W3 and HTML Tools
Access Count: 1533
Last Update: 1996/10/23
See also
W3C Tools.
To create a transparent GIF file
- netpbm package (UNIX): foo.gif -> bar.gif
giftopnm foo.gif | ppmtogif -transparent #rrggbb > bar.gif
where #rrggbb is a hexadecimal
red-green-blue triplet of the transparent color, e.g.,
#a020f0 (purple).
- giftrans
(UNIX, DOS): foo.gif -> bar.gif
giftrans -t color foo.gif > bar.gif
where color is a name, e.g. purple,
or a hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet, e.g. #a020f0,
of the transparent color.
- giftool
(UNIX, DOS): foo.gif -> bar.gif
giftool -rgb color foo.gif > bar.gif
where color is a name, e.g. white,
of the transparent color.
- Transparency (Mac)
You just press a mouse button in a GIF image, select the transparent color,
and then save this image.
- clip2gif (Mac)
You just select one of the "Transparent Background" submenu from the
"Options" menu, and then save this image.
- Lview Pro
- GIX (Windows)
To create an interlaced GIF file
- netpbm package (UNIX): foo.gif -> bar.gif
giftopnm foo.gif | ppmtogif -interlace > bar.gif
- giftool
(UNIX, DOS): foo.gif -> bar.gif
giftool -i foo.gif > bar.gif
- GIFConverter (Mac)
- clip2gif (Mac)
You just select "Interlaced" option from the "Options" menu,
and then save this image.
- Lview Pro
- GIX (Windows)
To create an animated GIF file
- gifmerge
(UNIX): screen*.gif -> anim.gif
gifmerge [-r,g,b] -delay -lloop screen*.gif > anim.gif
where -delay sets delay of between images in
1/100th secs, e.g., -50 (0.5 secs), -lloop sets
loop counter, e.g., -l0 (ever) or -l10 (10 times), and r,g,b
is a decimal red-green-blue tuple of the transparent color, e.g.,
160,32,240 (purple).
- GifBuilder (Mac)
- GIF Construction Set (Windows)
To create a single-fork, flattened QuickTime movie
- flatten
(UNIX): anim.rsrc + anim.data -> anim.mov
flatten anim.rsrc anim.data > anim.mov
- Fast Player (Mac)
You just use the "Export as flat movie" command for an opened movie.
- flattenMooV (Mac)
You just open a normal movie, and close it to save as the flattened movie.
- QTFlat (DOS)
To create the map configuration file: map editors
To create the HTML document easily: HTML editors / authoring tools
- Emacs html-helper-mode
- Emacs hm--html-menus
- Emacs html-mode
- SoftQuad HoTMetaL Free (X-Windows, Windows, Mac)
- Bob's HTML Editor (BHE) (Mac)
- BBEdit Lite w/HTML extensions (Mac)
- HTML.edit (Mac)
- Web Weaver (Mac)
- HTML Assistant (Windows)
To check dubious HTML
- htmlchek: HTML error checker and utilities
Syntactically checks HTML 2.0 or 3.0 files for a number of possible
errors; can do local link cross-reference checking, and generate a
rudimentary reference-dependency map. Runs under awk or perl.
Includes a number of supplemental utilities for HTML file processing.
gawk -f htmlchek.awk [options] file.html
perl htmlchek.pl [options] file.html
- weblint: a Perl script which picks fluff off web pages (HTML)
Weblint is a syntax and minimal style checker for HTML: a perl script
which picks fluff off html pages, much in the same way traditional lint
picks fluff off C programs.
weblint [options] file.html
- Kinder, Gentler HTML Validator
- WebTechs HTML Validation Service
- WWWeblint
- lvrfy: HTML link verifier
- MOMspider
To convert from/to the HTML format
To analyze the Web server log files
- wwwstat: a Perl script
Process a sequence of NCSA httpd access_log files and output an HTML
- gwstat: Graphic wwwstat
Gwstat processes the html output from wwwstat to generate a set of
GIF graphs that illustrate the httpd server traffic by hour, day, week,
month, year, calling country/domain and accessed archives.
- getstats: a versatile World-Wide Web server log analyzer
*getstats* (formerly called "getsites") is a C program that will produce
detailed, concise, monthly, weekly, daily summary, daily, hourly summary,
hourly, domain, request, directory tree, and error reports from your
World-Wide Web or Gopher server.
To retrieve a tree of documents from a remote site
- WebCopy: a Perl script which copies files (recursively) via HTTP protocol.