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Web Server Statistics for
This is an example of the type of report generated, our comments will appear
in italics.
Program started at Mon-28-Mar-2005 06:33 local time.
Analysed requests from Tue-01-Mar-2005 07:00 to Mon-28-Mar-2005 06:22 (27.0
Number of requests: it is important to remember that a "request"
is not a "page", i.e. You have a home page (index.htm), that contains
4 graphic images. When a browser downloads your home page -- the web server
logs that as 5 requests! A request for your home page, followed by 4 more
requests for each of the graphics. This is usually what people reports as
"hits" -- and as you can see, it can be very misleading!!!
Successful requests: 1,316 (283)
Average successful requests per day: 49 (40)
Failed requests: don't panic here, most of these are caused by "missing
files" at your site, i.e. a broswer asked for a file that did not exist,
OR, a person pressed the STOP button on their broswer while something from your
site was loading.
Distinct hosts: This is the number of unique computers that have accessed the site.
Failed requests: 10 (4)
Distinct files requested: 47 (34)
Distinct hosts served: 138 (38)
Data Transferred: this is the amount of data, both HTML text, graphics,
sound files, etc, that were transmitted by the server. Comparing the per day
average, against the last 7 day average can show trends -- in this case
increasing traffic.
Data transferred: 3,593 kbytes (1,161 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 136,384 bytes (169,817 bytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).
(Go To: Daily
summary: Daily report: Hourly
summary: Directory report: Request
report: Referrer report: Browser
This report shows you cumultative activity by day of the week. Note
the column header. You are seeing the actual number of pages requested, the % of
the total bytes transmitted on that day, and the raw number of bytes. The
graphic is showing you page requests, NOT bytes.
NOTE: almost all of these reports can be configured to graph/report
either page requests or bytes transferred. We can tailor your report to your
(Go To: Top:
Daily report: Hourly summary: Directory
report: Request report: Referrer
report: Browser summary)
Each unit ()
represents 4 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: pages: %bytes: bytes:
--- ----- ------ ------
Sun: 73: 18.81%: 691963:
Mon: 116: 23.50%: 864682:
Tue: 56: 17.15%: 630981:
Wed: 50: 14.95%: 550054:
Thu: 65: 11.89%: 437526:
Fri: 48: 7.67%: 282183:
Sat: 36: 6.02%: 221477:
This report shows you activity by day. VERY useful for looking at
overall trends, holiday, or other special day activity.
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Hourly summary: Directory
report: Request report: Referrer
report: Browser summary)
Each unit ()
represents 2 requests for pages, or part thereof.
date: pages: %bytes: bytes:
--------- ----- ------ ------
1/Mar/05: 9: 1.62%: 59764:
2/Mar/05: 7: 1.18%: 43593:
3/Mar/05: 6: 0.97%: 35614:
4/Mar/05: 9: 2.68%: 98489:
5/Mar/05: 45: 10.67%: 392477:
6/Mar/05: 14: 3.54%: 130286:
7/Mar/05: 19: 3.37%: 124144:
8/Mar/05: 13: 1.83%: 67428:
9/Mar/05: 11: 1.75%: 64455:
10/Mar/05: 14: 1.39%: 51093:
11/Mar/05: 13: 2.88%: 105810:
12/Mar/05: 28: 5.68%: 208915:
13/Mar/05: 13: 4.61%: 169473:
14/Mar/05: 12: 1.99%: 73192:
15/Mar/05: 9: 2.43%: 89432:
16/Mar/05: 23: 3.06%: 112470:
17/Mar/05: 9: 1.68%: 61726:
18/Mar/05: 25: 7.93%: 291604:
19/Mar/05: 27: 2.95%: 108515:
20/Mar/05: 22: 4.84%: 178016:
21/Mar/05: 18: 8.71%: 320476:
22/Mar/05: 34: 6.00%: 220902:
23/Mar/05: 7: 1.68%: 61665:
24/Mar/05: 7: 1.99%: 73044:
25/Mar/05: 26: 5.33%: 196060:
26/Mar/05: 16: 4.21%: 154775:
27/Mar/05: 7: 4.16%: 153206:
28/Mar/05: 1: 0.88%: 32242:
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Daily report: Directory
report: Request report: Referrer
report: Browser summary)
Each unit ()
represents 1 request for a page.
hr: pages:
-- -----
0: 1:
1: 15:
2: 0:
3: 2:
4: 0:
5: 6:
6: 36:
7: 26:
8: 30:
9: 23:
10: 27:
11: 20:
12: 7:
13: 41:
14: 17:
15: 36:
16: 17:
17: 18:
18: 27:
19: 25:
20: 11:
21: 35:
22: 17:
23: 7:
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Daily report: Hourly
summary: Request report: Referrer
report: Browser summary)
Printing all directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by amount
of traffic.
Printing directories to depth 2.
#reqs: %bytes: kbytes: directory
----- ------ ------ ---------
1123: 80.25%: 2883: [root directory]
74: 19.60%: 704: /logs/
118: 0.14%: 5: /cgi-bin/thebook/
The MOST important of the reports. This shows you what files
people are looking at (includes graphic files, these can be excluded if desire).
This lets you see how deeply your site is being penetrated by visitors.
In this example, note that 159 requests were made for the home page; however,
only 38 requests were made for the next most popular page -- only 23% of
visitors were going past the home page! You would like to see this number above
50%. See our FAQ for more on this.
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Daily report: Hourly
summary: Directory report: Referrer
report: Browser summary)
Printing all requested files with at least 1 request, sorted by number of
#reqs: %bytes: kbytes: file
----- ------ ------ ----
159: 13.92%: 500: /
136: 1.15%: 41: /tools.gif
135: 11.82%: 425: /banner.gif
135: 1.36%: 49: /library.gif
133: 3.04%: 109: /mail_big.gif
123: 1.71%: 61: /assist.gif
118: 0.14%: 5: /cgi-bin/thebook/Count.cgi
49: 0.49%: 17: /home.gif
38: 4.09%: 147: /library.htm
28: 0.18%: 6: /logs/
25: 0.59%: 21: /b_bar400.gif
19: 1.21%: 44: /tools.htm
17: 0.12%: 4: /home_blue.gif
16: 32.52%: 1168: /guide.htm
16: 1.17%: 42: /assist.htm
10: 0.51%: 18: /question.htm
10: 0.28%: 10: /inform.htm
10: 0.73%: 26: /servprov.htm
10: 0.60%: 22: /irsforms.htm
9: 0.68%: 24: /quest.htm
9: 1.13%: 41: /plan3c.htm
6: 0.41%: 15: /review.htm
6: 0.08%: 3: /books.htm
6: 1.66%: 60: /logs/04-97.html
5: 0.14%: 5: /services.htm
5: 0.10%: 4: /perdata.htm
5: 0.43%: 15: /hmpgrep3.htm
4: 0.11%: 4: /booksgen.htm
4: 0.09%: 3: /wilson.htm
4: 0.35%: 13: /choose.htm
This is VERY useful in determining where people are coming from when
they visit your site. It can show you where your promotion has been effective,
and where you may need work. With many of the search engines you can also see
the type of query used to find your site.
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Daily report: Hourly
summary: Directory report: Request
report: Browser summary)
Printing all referring URLs with at least 1 request, sorted by number of
#reqs: URL
----- ---
28: http://netfind.aol.com/search.gw
14: http://www.excite.com/search.gw
7: http://search2.metacrawler.com/crawler/
6: http://www2.infoseek.com/Titles
5: http://search1.metacrawler.com/crawler/
3: http://www.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=apples+plans&col=WW&sv=N3
2: http://www.emap.com/whatsnew/
2: http://www.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=apples+bebefit&sn=363679247&sv=N3&st=40
2: http://www.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=CONSULTANTS,+APPLES+PLANS&col=UG&sv=IS&lk=noframes&nh=10
1: http://av.yahoo.com/bin/query?p=BLUEBERRY+APPLICATIONS&hc=0&hs=0
1: http://www.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=+U.S.++apples+law&col=WW&sv=N3
1: http://guide.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=+apples++administration&sn=181583726&lk=noframes&st=10
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Daily report: Hourly
summary: Directory report: Request
report: Referrer report)
Printing all browsers, sorted by number of requests.
#reqs: browser
----- -------
817: Netscape
490: Netscape (compatible)
16: Slurp
5: Scooter
3: -
2: ArchitextSpider
2: WebCompass 2.0
2: Lycos_Spider_(T-Rex)
2: InfoSeek Sidewinder
2: Lynx
1: Proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD
1: WebCrawler-AddURL
1: Microsoft URL Control - 5.00.3714
This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.
Running time: Less than 1 second.
(Go To: Top:
Daily summary: Daily report: Hourly
summary: Directory report: Request
report: Referrer report: Browser